Monthly Panel
1-hour Monthly panel by senior researchers on an important topic for the audience.
Details Gather Town
More interactive formats to chat with senior researchers or make friends.
Details Small-Group Mentoring
Small-Group Mentoring, where each mentor can be matched with several mentees for small-group discussions
Details Overview
We are a mentorship network that helps and supports junior researchers in natural language processing (NLP). Our aim is to promote equal access to advice on NLP career choices, initiating research in NLP, etc. People from all over the world can apply. We are honored to have over 650 members worldwide now.
What is Year-Round Mentorship?
This is an initiative undertaken under the auspices of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), aimed to provide mentorship opportunities for students starting in the field. We are organizing virtual mentorship meetings throughout the year, with mentors from academia or industry with significant expertise and successful careers in the field of NLP. The topics discussed range from “how to choose research topic?” and “how to write a paper?” all the way to “should I do a PhD?” and “how do you keep a work-life balance?”
Who Can Apply?
Anyone who is currently an active student anywhere in the world can sign up to participate in the mentorship sessions. While this may change in the future, at this point we are unable to offer mentorship to those who are not currently enrolled as students.